Different classes ( Blocks ) are defined here, given the type of block shown in the `.bin` file
C:\Users\rsilva\Miniconda3\envs\rfpye39\lib\site-packages\fastprogress\fastprogress.py:102: UserWarning: Couldn't import ipywidgets properly, progress bar will use console behavior
  warn("Couldn't import ipywidgets properly, progress bar will use console behavior")
  • Use DataClass as Basic Block
  • Simplification of methods that just return properties.
  • Elimination of Code Repetition
  • Loops Vectoring using numpy
  • Change from Inheritance to Composition and attribute delegation

BaseBlock - Common Attributes for all Blocks

A block is a piece of the .bin file with a known beginning and end and that contains different types of information. It has several fields: type, header, data and footer. Each field has lengths and information defined in the documentation. It is common to all blocks and all classes that define the following blocks receive this base block in the constructor.

class BaseBlock[source]

BaseBlock(thread_id:int, size:int, type:int, data:bytes, checksum:int)

Basic dataclass describing the attributes present in every block


Common Attributes for Blocks 40-59

class TimedNonSpectral[source]

TimedNonSpectral(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Block with time attributes applied to non spectral blocks Implementa o mapeamento de funções dos blocos que possuem os seguintes campos (na mesma posição do vetor binario):F0 a F2

F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds

class TimedNonSpectral(GetAttr):
    """Block with time attributes applied to non spectral blocks
    Implementa o mapeamento de funções dos blocos que possuem os seguintes campos
    (na mesma posição do vetor binario):F0 a F2

    F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements
    F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time
    F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = block

    def _walldate(self) -> str:
        """F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements"""
        date = bin2date(self.data[:4])
        return (

    def _walltime(self) -> str:
        """F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time"""
        time = bin2time(self.data[4:8])
        return (

    def _wallnano(self) -> int:
        """F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds"""
        return bin2int(self.data[8:12], False)

    def wallclock_datetime(self) -> np.datetime64:
        """Returns the wallclock datetime"""
        return np.datetime64(


Common Attributes for Blocks 60-127

class TimedSpectral[source]

TimedSpectral(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Common Atributes of Block with Time Info and Spectral Data

F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds F3 = (2u bytes) STARTMEGA = Start Frequency MHz F4 = (4 bytes) STARTMILLI = Start Frequency mHz F5 = (2u bytes) STOPMEGA = Stop Frequency MHz F6 = (4 bytes) STOPMILLI = Stop Frequency mHz F7 = (2u bytes) STARTCHAN = Start Channel number F8 = (2u bytes) STOPCHAN = Stop Channel number

class TimedSpectral(GetAttr):
    """Common Atributes of Block with Time Info and Spectral Data

    F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements
    F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time
    F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds
    F3 = (2u bytes) STARTMEGA = Start Frequency MHz
    F4 = (4 bytes) STARTMILLI = Start Frequency mHz
    F5 = (2u bytes) STOPMEGA = Stop Frequency MHz
    F6 = (4 bytes) STOPMILLI = Stop Frequency mHz
    F7 = (2u bytes) STARTCHAN = Start Channel number
    F8 = (2u bytes) STOPCHAN = Stop Channel number

    # The attributes which don't belong to this class are delegated to default: i.e Block
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = TimedNonSpectral(block)

    def start_mega(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[12:14], False)

    def start_mili(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[14:18])

    def stop_mega(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[18:20], False)

    def stop_mili(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[20:24])

    def start_channel(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[24:26], False)

    def stop_channel(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[26:28], False)


class TimedVersion5[source]

TimedVersion5(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Block with additional attributes common to Blocks from version 5 of Logger

class TimedVersion5(GetAttr):
    """Block with additional attributes common to Blocks from version 5 of Logger"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = TimedNonSpectral(block)

    def group_id(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_V5[3]])

    def dynamic_id(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_V5[4]])

    def desclen(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_V5[5]])

Data Type 1 - Unit Information

class DType1[source]

DType1(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

V.1 Unit Information

class DType1(GetAttr):
    """V.1 Unit Information"""
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def hostname(self) -> str:
        return bin2str(self.data[:16])

    def text_len(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[16:20])

    def text(self) -> str:
        return bin2str(self.data[20:20 + self.text_len])

    def ant_type1(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[20 + self.text_len : 20 + self.text_len + 1])

    def ant_type2(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[20 + self.text_len + 1 : 20 + self.text_len + 2])

    def ant_type3(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[20 + self.text_len + 2 : 20 + self.text_len + 3])

    def ant_type4(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[20 + self.text_len + 3 : 20 + self.text_len + 4])

Data Type 2 – GPS Data

class DType2[source]

DType2(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 40 – GPS Data

class DType2(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 40 – GPS Data"""
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def _gps_time(self) -> str:
        """GPS Time. Date from GPS reading (hh/mm/ss/null)"""
        time = bin2time(self.data[:4])
        return (

    def _gps_date(self) -> str:
        """GPS Date. Date from GPS reading (dd/mm/yy/null)"""
        date = bin2date(self.data[4:8])
        return (

    def gps_datetime(self) -> np.datetime64:
        """Returns the GPS datetime"""
        return np.datetime64(f"{self._gps_date}T{self._gps_time}.000000")

    def gps_posfix(self) -> int:
        """Positional Fix and status.
        0=No Fix, 1=Standard GPS, 2=Differential GPS...n=others.
        return bin2int(self.data[8:10])

    def gps_status(self) -> int:
        """0 = Bad, 1 = Good"""
        return bin2int(self.data[10:12])

    def num_satellites(self) -> int:
        """F6 - Satellites in view. 0=bad, 1+ better"""
        return bin2int(self.data[12:14])

    def latitude(self) -> float:
        """Latitude = Degrees * 1000000: +ve=N, -ve=S"""
        return bin2int(self.data[14:18]) / 1000000

    def longitude(self) -> float:
        """Longitude = Degrees * 1000000: +ve=E, -ve=W"""
        return bin2int(self.data[18:22]) / 1000000

    def speed(self) -> float:
        """Speed = kph * 1000"""
        return bin2int(self.data[22:26]) / 1000

    def heading(self) -> float:
        """F7 - Heading. Degrees * 100"""
        return bin2int(self.data[26:28]) / 100

    def altitude(self) -> float:
        """Altitude = Metres * 1000"""
        return bin2int(self.data[28:32]) / 1000

Data Type 3 - Data Thread

class DType3[source]

DType3(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Inherit from this to have all attr accesses in self._xtra passed down to self.default

class DType3(GetAttr):
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = block

    def textlen(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[:4])

    def description(self) -> str:
        return bin2str(self.data[4 : 4 + self.textlen])

Data Type 4 - 8 bit Spectral Data

class DType4[source]

DType4(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Inherit from this to have all attr accesses in self._xtra passed down to self.default

class DType4(GetAttr):
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block
    # @cached
    # def antuid(self)-> int:
    #     return 0 #compatibility with newer formats
    def start_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[:2])

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[2:4])

    def offset(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[4:5])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[5:6])

    def processing(self) -> int:
        d = {0: "Single Measurement", 1: "Average", 2: "Peak"}
        return d.get(bin2int(self.data[6:7]), "Unknown")

    def npad(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[7:8])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[8:12])

    def raw_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[12 : 12 + self.ndata], dtype=np.uint8)
        except ValueError:
            return np.empty(self.ndata, dtype=np.uint8)

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return -(self.raw_data / 2 - self.offset).astype(np.float32)

    def padding(self) -> bytes:
        return self.data[12 + self.ndata :]

Data Type 5 - Free Text Information

class DType5[source]

DType5(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 5 - Free Text Information

class DType5(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 5 - Free Text Information"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def text_len(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[:4])

    def text(self) -> str:
        return bin2str(self.data[4 : 4 + self.text_len])

Data Type 6 – 16 bit IQ Data

class DType6[source]

DType6(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 6 – 16 bit IQ Data.Logger versions 1 to 4

class DType6(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 6 – 16 bit IQ Data.Logger versions 1 to 4"""

    # The attributes which don't belong to this class are delegated to default: i.e Block
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def start_mega(self) -> str:
        """Start Frequency in MHz"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_6[0]])

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        """Stop Frequency in MHz"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_6[1]])

    def delta_freq(self) -> int:
        """Delta Frequency in MHz"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_6[2]])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        """Antenna Input Number 1=ip1, 2=ip2, 3=ip3, 4=ip4"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_6[3]])

    def nsamples(self) -> int:
        """Number of samples per frequency"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_6[4]])

    def ngain(self) -> int:
        """Number of Gain Integers"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_6[5]])

    def gain(self) -> int:
        """Array of Gain (dB/16). Each gain is stored as a 32 bit integer"""
        inicio = BYTES_6[5].stop
        fim = inicio + self.ngain
        return np.fromiter(self.data[inicio:fim], dtype=np.int32)

    def n_iq_pairs(self) -> int:
        """Number of IQ Pairs"""
        inicio = BYTES_6[5].stop + self.ngain
        fim = inicio + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[inicio:fim])

    def iq_array(self) -> int:
        """Array of IQ data points stored as two signed twos complement 16 bit numbers packed into a 32 bit word"""
        inicio = BYTES_6[5].stop + self.ngain + 4
        return self.data[inicio:]

Data Type 7 - Threshold Compressed Data

class DType7[source]

DType7(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 7 - Threshold Compressed Data

Args: Inherit from GetAttr to have attr access passed down to an instance attribute. This makes it easy to create composites that don't require callers to know about their components. For a more detailed discussion of how this works as well as relevant context, we suggest reading the delegated composition section of this blog article.

class DType7(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 7 - Threshold Compressed Data

        Inherit from GetAttr to have attr access passed down to an instance attribute.
        This makes it easy to create composites that don't require callers to know about their components.
        For a more detailed discussion of how this works as well as relevant context,
        we suggest reading the delegated composition section of this blog article.

    # The attributes which don't belong to this class are delegated to default: i.e Block
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block
        self.minimum = self.offset - 127.5

    def start_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[:4])

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[4:8])

    def offset(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[8:12])

    def thresh(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[12:16])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[16:20])

    def processing(self) -> int:
        d = {0: "Single Measurement", 1: "Average", 2: "Peak"}
        return d.get(bin2int(self.data[20:24]), "Unknown")

    def namal(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[24:28])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        """Number of original uncompressed data points"""
        return bin2int(self.data[28:32])

    def npad(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[32:36])

    def ncompressed(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[36:40])

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return np.frombuffer(self.data[40 : 40 + self.ncompressed], dtype=np.uint8)

    def padding(self) -> bytes:
        return self.data[40 + self.ndata:]

Data Type 8 – Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R SM.1793)

class DType8[source]

DType8(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

10.8 Data Type 8 – Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R SM.1793) Args: GetAttr: Delegates attributes to self.default in case it doesn't belong to this class

class DType8(GetAttr):
    """10.8 Data Type 8 – Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R SM.1793)
        GetAttr: Delegates attributes to self.default in case it doesn't belong to this class

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def start_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[:4])

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[4:8])

    def thresh(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[8:12])

    def _walldate(self) -> list:
        date = bin2date(self.data[12:16])
        return (

    def _walltime(self) -> list:
        time = bin2time(self.data[16:20])
        return (

    def wallclock_datetime(self) -> np.datetime64:
        """Returns the wallclock datetime"""
        return np.datetime64(f"{self._walldate}T{self._walltime}.000000")

    def sampling(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[20:24])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[24:28])

    def namal(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[28:32])

    def npad(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[32:36])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[36:40])

    def raw_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[40 : 40 + self.ndata], dtype=np.uint8)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving raw_data in {self.filename}") from e
    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return (self.raw_data / 2).astype(np.float32)

    def padding(self) -> bytes:
        return self.data[40 + self.ndata :]

An optional data block at the end of each file provides a summary of some aspects of the file content. The MBR is the Minimum Bounding Rectangle of all GPS records that have a fix. The start and end date/time is included, omitting the nanoseconds fields. If a file is used for the output from more than one unit, multiple footers may appear, up to one per unit.

class DType20[source]

DType20(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 20 – File Footer - Optional

class DType20(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 20 – File Footer - Optional"""

    # The attributes which don't belong to this class are delegated to default: i.e Block
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def bottom_latitude(self) -> float:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_20[0]]) / 1e6

    def left_longitude(self) -> float:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_20[1]]) / 1e6

    def top_latitude(self) -> float:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_20[2]]) / 1e6

    def right_longitude(self) -> float:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_20[3]]) / 1e6

    def start_date(self) -> L:
        """Date of first data block (dd/mm/yy/null)"""
        return bin2date(self.data[BYTES_20[4]])

    def start_time(self) -> L:
        """Time of first data block (hh/mm/ss/cc)"""
        return bin2time(self.data[BYTES_20[5]])

    def end_date(self) -> L:
        """Date of last data block (dd/mm/yy/null)"""
        return bin2date(self.data[BYTES_20[6]])

    def end_time(self) -> L:
        """Time of last data block (hh/mm/ss/cc)"""
        return bin2time(self.data[BYTES_20[7]])

    def n_spectral_blocks(self) -> int:
        """Total number of blocks in threads with threadID>0"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_20[8]])

    def nddt(self) -> int:
        """Spectral data, i.e. ThreadID > 0.
        Optionally can be set to a special value of zero, to omit the following information."""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_20[9]])

    def spectral_blocks_info(self) -> L:
        start = BYTES_20[9].stop
        stop = start + self.nddt
        step = 8
        return L.range(start, stop, step).map(
            lambda i: (bin2int(self.data[i : i + 4]), bin2int(self.data[i + 4 : i + 8]))

Data Type 21 – Unit and Job Information

class DType21[source]

DType21(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 21 – Unit and Job Information.Logger versions 3 to 5

class DType21(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 21 – Unit and Job Information.Logger versions 3 to 5"""

    # The attributes which don't belong to this class are delegated to default: i.e Block
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def hostname(self) -> str:
        """Retorna o campo HOSTNAME que contém o 'Unit Hostname'"""
        return bin2str(self.data[:16])

    def _text1_len(self) -> int:
        """Retorna o tamanho do campo TEXT1 que contém o ‘unit_info’ no arquivo cfg."""
        return bin2int(self.data[16:20])

    def unit_info(self) -> str:
        """Retorna o campo TEXT1 que contém o ‘unit_info’ no arquivo cfg."""
        return bin2str(self.data[20 : 20 + self._text1_len])

    def _text2_len(self) -> int:
        """Retorna o tamanho do campo TEXT2 que contém o ‘unit_info’ no arquivo cfg."""
        return bin2int(self.data[20 + self._text1_len : 24 + self._text1_len])

    def method(self) -> str:
        """Retorna o campo TEXT2 que contém o ‘method’ no arquivo cfg."""
        start = 24 + self._text1_len
        return bin2str(self.data[start : start + self._text2_len])

    def file_number(self) -> int:
        """Return the File Number"""
        start = 24 + self._text1_len + self._text2_len
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

Data Type 22 - Data Thread Information

class DType22[source]

DType22(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 22 – Data Thread Information

class DType22(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 22 – Data Thread Information"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = block

    def textlen(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[:4])

    def description(self) -> str:
        return bin2str(self.data[4 : 4 + self.textlen])

Data Type 23 - Free Text Information

class DType23[source]

DType23(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 23 - Free Text Information

class DType23(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 23 - Free Text Information"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def textid(self) -> int:
        return bin2str(self.data[:32])

    def textlen(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[32:36])

    def text(self) -> str:
        return bin2str(self.data[36 : 36 + self.textlen])

Data Type 24 – Data Thread Information

class DType24[source]

DType24(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 24 – Data Thread Information

class DType24(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 24 – Data Thread Information"""

    # The attributes which don't belong to this class are delegated to default: i.e Block
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        self.default = block

    def group_id(self) -> int:
        """F0 - Número identificador do grupo. Zero significa que não faz parte de nenhum grupo"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_24[0]])

    def text_len(self) -> int:
        """F1 - Comprimento do texto incluindo bytes nulos ao final (número inteiro de 4 bytes)."""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_24[1]])

    def description(self) -> str:
        """F2 - Texto armazenado no bloco sem os bytes nulos ao final"""
        start = BYTES_24[1].stop
        stop = start + self.text_len
        return bin2str(self.data[start:stop])

Data Type 40 – GPS Data

class DType40[source]

DType40(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 40 – GPS Data

class DType40(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 40 – GPS Data"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = TimedNonSpectral(block)

    def _gpsdate(self) -> str:
        """F3 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements"""
        date = bin2date(self.data[BYTES_40[3]])
        return (

    def _gpstime(self) -> str:
        """F4 - GPS Date. Date from GPS reading (dd/mm/yy/null)"""
        time = bin2time(self.data[BYTES_40[4]])
        return (

    def gps_datetime(self) -> np.datetime64:
        """Returns the wallclock datetime"""
        return np.datetime64(f"{self._gpsdate}T{self._gpstime}")

    def gps_status(self) -> Union[str, int]:
        """F5 - Positional Fix and status.
        If status=1: 0=No Fix, 1=Standard GPS, 2=Differential GPS. If status=0: set to zero.
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_40[5]])

    def num_satellites(self) -> int:
        """F6 - Satellites in view. 0=bad, 1+ better"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_40[6]])

    def heading(self) -> float:
        """F7 - Heading. Degrees * 100"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_40[7]]) / 100

    def latitude(self) -> float:
        """F8 - Latitude = Degrees * 1000000: +ve=N, -ve=S"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_40[8]]) / 1000000

    def longitude(self) -> float:
        """F9 - (4 bytes) Longitude = Degrees * 1000000: +ve=E, -ve=W"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_40[9]]) / 1000000

    def speed(self) -> float:
        """F10 - (4 bytes) Speed = kph * 1000"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_40[10]]) / 1000

    def altitude(self) -> float:
        """F11 = (4 bytes) Altitude = Metres * 1000"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_40[11]]) / 1000

Data Type 41 – Timed Free Text Information

class DType41[source]

DType41(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 41 – Timed Free Text Information

class DType41(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 41 – Timed Free Text Information"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = TimedNonSpectral(block)

    def identifier(self) -> str:
        """F3 = (32 bytes) Fixed Length Data Type Identifier, null terminated string
        Tells the software how to deal with the free text.
        Defined types:
        - LOGGER_NAME: Application name
        - LOGGER_VERSION: Application version
        - AUDIT: Audit process output
        - GPRS: GPRS message
        - GSM: Cell survey information
        - INFO: Voltages, currents and temperatures
        - LED: LED status
        - MASK: Mask status
        - MESSAGE: Message text
        - NMEA: GSM NMEA text
        - SNMP: SNMP Message text
        - CONF: NCPD Configuration
        return bin2str(self.data[BYTES_41[3]])

    def textlen(self) -> int:
        """F4 - (4 bytes) NTEXT = Free Text Length. Including null termination and padding
        (must be a whole number of 4 bytes)
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_41[4]])

    def text(self) -> str:
        """F5 = (NTEXT bytes) Null terminated Free Text"""
        return bin2str(self.data[BYTES_41[4].stop :])

Data Type 42 – Timed Free Text Information

class DType42[source]

DType42(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 42 – Timed Free Text Information

class DType42(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 42 – Timed Free Text Information"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = TimedNonSpectral(block)

    def group_id(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_42[3]])

    def dynamic_id(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_42[4]])

    def identifier(self) -> str:
        """F5 = (32 bytes) Fixed Length Data Type Identifier, null terminated string
        Tells the software how to deal with the free text.
        Defined types:
        - LOGGER_NAME: Application name
        - LOGGER_VERSION: Application version
        - AUDIT: Audit process output
        - GPRS: GPRS message
        - GSM: Cell survey information
        - INFO: Voltages, currents and temperatures
        - LED: LED status
        - MASK: Mask status
        - MESSAGE: Message text
        - NMEA: GSM NMEA text
        - SNMP: SNMP Message text
        - CONF: NCPD Configuration
        return bin2str(self.data[BYTES_42[5]])

    def len_text(self) -> int:
        """F6 - (4 bytes) NTEXT = Free Text Length. Including null termination and padding
        (must be a whole number of 4 bytes)
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_42[6]])

    def text(self) -> str:
        """F5 = (NTEXT bytes) Null terminated Free Text"""
        return bin2str(self.data[BYTES_42[6].stop :])

Data Type 51 – Classifier Data

Only generated by Nodes 50-8/100-8/100-18 supporting Signal Classifier)

class DType51[source]

DType51(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Classifier Data

class DType51(GetAttr):
    """Classifier Data"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = DType42(block)

    def desclen(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_51[5]])

    def description(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop
        stop = start + self.desclen
        return bin2str(self.data[start:stop])

    def center_mega(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop], False)

    def center_mili(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 2
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def bw(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 6
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def sample_rate_numerator(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 10
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def sample_rate_denominator(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 14
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def len_text(self) -> int:
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 16
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def text(self) -> str:
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 20
        stop = start + self.len_text
        return bin2str(self.data[start:stop])

    # @cached_property
    # def align1(self):
    #     start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 20 + self.len_text
    #     stop = start + 2
    #     return bin2dec(self.data[start:stop])
    # @cached_property
    # def align2(self):
    #     start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 22 + self.len_text
    #     stop = start + 1
    #     return bin2dec(self.data[start:stop])
    def npad(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 23 + self.len_text
        stop = start + 1
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def npoints(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 24 + self.len_text
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def probabilites(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 28 + self.len_text
        stop = start + self.npoints
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def padding(self):
        start = BYTES_51[5].stop + self.desclen + 28 + self.len_text + self.npoints
        return bin2int(self.data[start:])

Data Type 60 - 8 bit Spectral Data

class DType60[source]

DType60(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 60 – 8 bit Spectral Data

class DType60(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 60 – 8 bit Spectral Data"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = block

    def _walldate(self) -> L:
        "F1 = (4 bytes) Wall clock date and time in seconds since 1/1/1970"
        date = bin2date(self.data[:4])
        return (

    def _walltime(self) -> str:
        """F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time"""
        time = bin2time(self.data[4:8])
        return (

    def _wallnano(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[8:12], False)

    def wallclock_datetime(self) -> np.datetime64:
        """Returns the wallclock datetime"""
        return np.datetime64(

    def dtype(self): # To maintain compatibility with Other Blocks
        return 'dBm'

    def start_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[12:16])

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[16:20])

    def freqexp(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[20:21])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[21:22])

    def gerror(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[22:23])

    def gflags(self) -> int:
        return self.data[23:24]

    def parentid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[24:26])

    def processing(self) -> int:
        d = {0: "single measurement", 1: "average", 2: "peak", 3: "minimum"}
        return d.get(bin2int(self.data[26:27]), "unknown")

    def nloops(self) -> int:
        "i.e. ‘number of loops’. Equal to 1 if single measurement. Values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16"
        return bin2int(self.data[27:28])

    def offset(self) -> int:
        "Data level offset in dB 2’s Complement, range [-128, 127]."
        return bin2int(self.data[28:29])

    def minimum(self) -> float:
        return self.offset - 127.5

    def npad(self) -> int:
        "Number of bytes of padding. 0 - 3"
        return bin2int(self.data[29:30])

    def ntun(self) -> int:
        "Number of 4 byte Tuning info blocks. 0 or NAGC"
        return bin2int(self.data[30:32])

    def nagc(self) -> int:
        "Number of single byte AGC values. 0 or number of tunings in the sweep"
        return bin2int(self.data[32:34])

    def reserved(self) -> int:
        "For alignment of following fields. Set to 0."
        return bin2int(self.data[34:36])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        "Number of single byte data points in this block."
        return bin2int(self.data[36:40])

    def tunning(self) -> list:
        "Array of 4 byte Tuning info blocks.One block per tuning (1 or 10 MHz)."
        return L(self.data[i : i + 4] for i in range(40, 40 + 4 * self.ntun, 4))

    def agc(self) -> list:
        "Array of single unsigned byte AGC values. Current actual values are 0..63."
        return np.frombuffer(
            self.data[40 + 4 * self.ntun : 40 + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc],

    def raw_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
        "Array of single byte data points."
        start = 40 + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[start : start + self.ndata], dtype=np.uint8)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving raw_data in {self.filename}") from e

    def levels(self) -> list:
        "Array of single byte data points."
        return (self.raw_data / 2 + self.minimum).astype(np.float32)

    def padding(self) -> bytes:
        "Padding to align to 4 byte boundary."
        return self.data[40 + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc + self.ndata :]

Data Type 61 - Threshold Compressed Data

class DType61[source]

DType61(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 61 – Threshold Compressed Data

class DType61(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 61 – Threshold Compressed Data"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = DType60(block)
        self.size = (
            + (self.default.ntun * 4)
            + self.default.nagc
            + self.default.ndata
            + self.default.npad

    def thresh(self) -> int:
        "Threshold Level in dBm.All data below this level will be run length encoded."
        return bin2int(self.data[40:44])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        "Number of original data points in this block before compression."
        return bin2int(self.data[44:48])

    def tunning(self) -> list:
        "Array of 4 byte Tuning info blocks.One block per tuning (1 or 10 MHz)."
        return L(self.data[i : i + 4] for i in range(48, 48 + 4 * self.ntun, 4))
    def agc(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return np.frombuffer(
            self.data[48 + 4 * self.ntun : 48 + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc],
    def levels(self) -> bytes:
        start = 48 + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc
        return np.frombuffer(self.data[start : start + self.ndata], dtype=np.uint8)

    def padding(self) -> bytes:
        "Padding to align to 4 byte boundary."
        return self.data[48 + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc + self.ndata:]

Data Type 62 - Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R M.1688)

class DType62[source]

DType62(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Inherit from this to have all attr accesses in self._xtra passed down to self.default

class DType62(GetAttr):
    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = block

    def _walldate(self) -> L:
        "F1 = (4 bytes) Wall clock date and time in seconds since 1/1/1970"
        date = bin2date(self.data[:4])
        return (

    def _walltime(self) -> str:
        """F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time"""
        time = bin2time(self.data[4:8])
        return (

    def _wallnano(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[8:12], False)

    def wallclock_datetime(self) -> np.datetime64:
        """Returns the wallclock datetime"""
        return np.datetime64(

    def start_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[12:16]) 

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[16:20])

    def freqexp(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[20:21])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[21:22])

    def gerror(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[22:23])

    def gflags(self) -> int:
        return self.data[23:24]

    def parentid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[24:26])

    def thresh(self) -> int:
        """Threshold Level in dBm"""
        return bin2int(self.data[26:28])

    def namal(self) -> int:
        """Amalgamated Results. 1 if single measurement. Should include aggregation over time."""
        return bin2int(self.data[28:32])

    def sampling(self) -> int:
        """Duration of sampling in seconds.i.e.300,900,1800,2600"""
        return bin2int(self.data[32:36])

    def npad(self) -> int:
        """Number of bytes of padding. 0 - 3"""
        return bin2int(self.data[36:37])

    def reserved(self) -> int:
        """For alignment of following fields. Set to 0."""
        return bin2int(self.data[37:40])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        """Number of single byte data points in this block.
        Number of equal width channels dividing the reported frequency width"""
        return bin2int(self.data[40:44])

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Array of single byte data points representing the percentage. (0...100% in 0.5 steps)"""
            return (np.frombuffer(self.data[44 : 44 + self.ndata], dtype=np.uint8) / 2).astype(np.float32)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving levels in {self.type}") from e

    def padding(self) -> bytes:
        """Padding to align to 4 byte boundary."""
        return self.data[44 + self.ndata :]

Data Type 63 – Spectral Data

class DType63[source]

DType63(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 63 – Spectral Data - Frequencies and its levels

The Following attributes are delegated to the self.default object

F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds F3 = (2u bytes) STARTMEGA = Start Frequency MHz F4 = (4 bytes) STARTMILLI = Start Frequency mHz F5 = (2u bytes) STOPMEGA = Stop Frequency MHz F6 = (4 bytes) STOPMILLI = Stop Frequency mHz F7 = (2u bytes) STARTCHAN = Start Channel number F8 = (2u bytes) STOPCHAN = Stop Channel number Total Bytes = 52 + (4 * NTUN) + NAGC + NDATA + NPAD

# TODO: review agc and tunning
class DType63(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 63 – Spectral Data - Frequencies and its levels

    The Following attributes are delegated to the `self.default` object

    F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements
    F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time
    F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds
    F3 = (2u bytes) STARTMEGA = Start Frequency MHz
    F4 = (4 bytes) STARTMILLI = Start Frequency mHz
    F5 = (2u bytes) STOPMEGA = Stop Frequency MHz
    F6 = (4 bytes) STOPMILLI = Stop Frequency mHz
    F7 = (2u bytes) STARTCHAN = Start Channel number
    F8 = (2u bytes) STOPCHAN = Stop Channel number
    Total Bytes = 52 + (4 * NTUN) + NAGC + NDATA + NPAD

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = TimedSpectral(block)
        self.start = 52 + self.ntun * 4 + self.nagc
        self.stop = self.start + self.ndata

    def description(self) -> str:
        return "Peak"

    def sample(self) -> int:
        """F9 = (4 bytes) SAMPLE = Duration of sampling.Time taken by the FPGA and Radio to execute command in µs."""
        return bin2int(self.data[28:32])

    def namal(self) -> int:
        """F10 =(4 bytes) NAMAL = Amalgamated  Results"""
        return bin2int(self.data[32:36])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        """F11 = (1u byte) ANTUID Antenna number [0-255]"""
        return bin2int(self.data[36:37], False)

    def processing(self) -> Union[str, int]:
        """F12 = (1 byte) PROC = Processing
        0 = single measurement,
        1 = average,
        2 = peak,
        3 = minimum
        proc = bin2int(self.data[37:38])
        return DICT_PROCESSING.get(proc, proc)

    def dtype(self) -> Union[str, int]:
        """F13 = (1 byte) DTYPE = Data Type. 0 = dBm, 1 = dBuV/m"""
        unit: int = bin2int(self.data[38:39])
        return DICT_UNIT.get(unit, unit)

    def offset(self) -> int:
        """F14 = (1 byte) OFFSET = Data level offset in DTYPE units 2’s Complement, range [-128, 127]."""
        return bin2int(self.data[39:40])

    def minimum(self) -> float:
        return self.offset - 127.5

    def thresh(self) -> float:
        return self.minimum  # redundancy for compatibility with Dtype68

    def gerror(self) -> int:
        """F15 = (1 byte) GERROR = Global Error Code. Radio or processing global error code"""
        return bin2int(self.data[40:41])

    def gflags(self) -> int:
        """F16 - Códigos de alertas globais ou de processamento do radio."""
        return bin2int(self.data[41:42])

    def group_id(self) -> int:
        """F17 - O ID do grupo à qual a medida pertence.0 caso não pertença a nenhum grupo."""
        return bin2int(self.data[42:43])

    def ntun(self) -> int:
        """F18 - 0 ou igual à quantidade de valores de AGC usados na amostra"""
        return bin2int(self.data[43:45])

    def nagc(self) -> int:
        """F19 - 0 ou igual à quantidade de valores de "tunings" usados na amostra"""
        return bin2int(self.data[45:47])

    def npad(self) -> int:
        """F20 - Valor que varia de 0 a 3 indicando o preenchimento nulo para manter o tamanho do bloco (em bytes) fixo"""
        return bin2int(self.data[47:48])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        """F21 - O número de canais (ou "steps") que dividem igualmente a largura de banda"""
        return bin2int(self.data[48:52])

    def frequencies(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Retorna um numpy array com a faixa de frequências presentes no bloco"""
        return np.linspace(
            self.start_mega, self.stop_mega, num=self.ndata, dtype=np.float32

    # @cached
    # def bw(self) -> int:
    #     """Retorna o RBW calculado a partir de STARTMEGA, STOPMEGA e NDATA."""
    #     return int((self.stop_mega - self.start_mega) * 1000 / (self.ndata - 1))

    def tunning(self) -> Tuple:
        """F22 - Informações do 'tunning'. One Block per tunning(1 or 10MHz)"""
        start = 52
        stop = start + (4 * self.ntun)
        return L(self.data[i : i + 4] for i in range(start, stop, 4))

    def agc(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """F23 - Array com AGC - Automatic Gain Control as dB in single unsigned byte: 0...63"""
        start = 52 + (self.ntun * 4)
        stop = start + self.nagc
        return np.frombuffer(self.data[start:stop], np.uint8)

    def raw_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Spectrum Data in 'dB' with 0.5 dBm interval"""
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[self.start : self.stop], dtype=np.uint8)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving raw_data in {self}") from e

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return ((self.raw_data / 2) + self.minimum).astype(np.float32)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Return a tuple with frequency, spectrum_data"""
        return self.frequencies[i], self.block_data[i]

    def __len__(self):
        return int(self.ndata)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self[i] for i in range(len(self)))

Data Type 64 – Threshold Compressed Data

class DType64[source]

DType64(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

This is very similar to type 63, with the addition of threshold power level and number of points before compression, and obviously a compressed spectrum vector replacing the uncompressed

Fields 0 to 21 are the same from DType63 and are delegated to this class

class DType64(GetAttr):
    """This is very similar to type 63, with the addition of threshold power level and number of points before compression,
    and obviously a compressed spectrum vector replacing the uncompressed

    Fields 0 to 21 are the same from `DType63` and are delegated to this class

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = DType63(block)
        self.minimum = self.offset - 127.5
        self.start = 52 + 8 + (self.ntun * 4) + self.nagc
        self.stop = self.start + self.default.ndata

    def thresh(self):
        """F22 - THRESH = Threshold Level in dB All data below this level will be run length encoded"""
        start = 52
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def ndata(self):
        """F23 - NORIG = Number of original data points4 Before compression"""
        start = 52 + 4
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def tunning(self) -> Tuple:
        """F24 - Informações do 'tunning'. One Block per tunning(1 or 10MHz)"""
        start = 52 + 8
        stop = start + (4 * self.ntun)
        return L(self.data[i : i + 4] for i in range(start, stop, 4))

    def agc(self) -> bytes:
        """F23 - Array com AGC - Automatic Gain Control as dB in single unsigned byte: 0...63"""
        start = 52 + 8 + (self.ntun * 4)
        stop = start + (self.nagc)
        return np.fromiter(self.data[start:stop], np.uint8)
        # return '-'.join(L(self.data[start:stop]).map(str))

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Spectrum Data in 'dB' with 0.5 dBm interval"""
        return np.frombuffer(self.data[self.start : self.stop], dtype=np.uint8)

    def padding(self):
        return bin2int(self.data[self.stop :])

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Return a tuple with frequency, spectrum_data"""
        return self.frequencies[i], self.levels[i]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.raw_data)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self[i] for i in range(len(self)))

Data Type 65 – Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R SM.1880)

class DType65[source]

DType65(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

O Bloco do tipo 65 carrega dados de Taxa de Ocupação Espectral por Canal de Frequência (ITU-R SM.1880).

O tamanho total em bytes é (48 + NDATA + NPAD)

F0 a F16 e F19 já inicializados na classe TimedBlock.

F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurementsF1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time NanosecondsF3 = (2u bytes) STARTMEGA = Start Frequency MHz F4 = (4 bytes) STARTMILLI = Start Frequency mHzF5 = (2u bytes) STOPMEGA = Stop Frequency MHz F6 = (4 bytes) STOPMILLI = Stop Frequency mHzF7 = (2u bytes) STARTCHAN = Start Channel number *F8 = (2u bytes) STOPCHAN = Stop Channel number F9 = (4 bytes) NAMAL = Amalgamated Results i.e. ‘number of loops’. Equal to 1 if single measurement. F10 = (1u bytes) ANTUID Antenna number [ 0- 255] F11 = (1 byte) PROC = Processing 0 = single measurement, 1 = average, 2 = peak, 3 = minimum F12 = (2 bytes) DTYPE = Data Type 1 = dBm, 2 = dBuV/m F13 = (1 byte) GERROR = Global Error Code. Radio or processing global error code F14 = (1 byte) GFLAGS = Global clipping flags etc. Radio or processing global flags: F15 = (1 bytes) GROUPID = ID used to group sets of data 0 = not a member of a group F16 = (1 byte) NPAD = Number of bytes of padding. 0-3 F17 = (2 bytes) THRESH = Threshold Level in DTYPE F18 = (2 bytes) DURATION = Duration of sampling. In seconds (i.e. 300, 900, 1800, 2600) F19 = (4 bytes) NDATA = Number of single byte data points. Number of equal width channels dividing the reported frequency width F20 = (NDATAu bytes) Array of data points. Each data point is stored as a single byte number representing the percentage (0..100 % in 0.5 steps) F21 = (NPAD bytes) Padding. As bytes

class DType65(GetAttr):
     O Bloco do tipo 65 carrega dados de Taxa de Ocupação Espectral por Canal de Frequência (ITU-R SM.1880).

     O tamanho total em bytes é (48 + NDATA + NPAD)

     F0 a F16 e F19 já inicializados na classe TimedBlock.

    *F0 = (4 bytes) _walldate = Wall Clock Start Date of measurements
    *F1 = (4 bytes) WALLTIME = Wall Clock Start Time
    *F2 = (4u bytes) WALLNANO = Wall Clock Start Time Nanoseconds
    *F3 = (2u bytes) STARTMEGA = Start Frequency MHz
    *F4 = (4 bytes) STARTMILLI = Start Frequency mHz
    *F5 = (2u bytes) STOPMEGA = Stop Frequency MHz
    *F6 = (4 bytes) STOPMILLI = Stop Frequency mHz
    *F7 = (2u bytes) STARTCHAN = Start Channel number
    *F8 = (2u bytes) STOPCHAN = Stop Channel number
     F9 = (4 bytes) NAMAL = Amalgamated Results
                     i.e. ‘number of loops’. Equal to 1 if single measurement.
     F10 = (1u bytes) ANTUID Antenna number [ 0- 255]
     F11 = (1 byte) PROC = Processing
                     0 = single measurement,
                     1 = average,
                     2 = peak,
                     3 = minimum
     F12 = (2 bytes) DTYPE = Data Type
                     1 = dBm,
                     2 = dBuV/m
     F13 = (1 byte) GERROR = Global Error Code. Radio or processing global error code
     F14 = (1 byte) GFLAGS = Global clipping flags etc. Radio or processing global flags:
     F15 = (1 bytes) GROUPID = ID used to group sets of data
                     0 = not a member of a group
     F16 = (1 byte) NPAD = Number of bytes of padding. 0-3
     F17 = (2 bytes) THRESH = Threshold Level in DTYPE
     F18 = (2 bytes) DURATION = Duration of sampling. In seconds  (i.e. 300, 900, 1800, 2600)
     F19 = (4 bytes) NDATA = Number of single byte data points.
                     Number of equal width channels dividing the reported frequency width
     F20 = (NDATAu bytes) Array of data points.
                     Each data point is stored as a single byte number
                     representing  the percentage (0..100 % in 0.5 steps)
     F21 = (NPAD bytes) Padding. As \0 bytes

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None:
        self.default = TimedSpectral(block)
        self.start = BYTES_65[19].stop
        self.stop = self.start + self.ndata

    def namal(self) -> int:
        """F9 = (4 bytes) NAMAL = Amalgamated Results
        i.e. ‘number of loops’. Equal to 1 if single measurement.
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[9]])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        """F10 = (1u bytes) ANTUID Antenna number [ 0- 255]"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[10]], False)

    def processing(self) -> Union[str, int]:
        """F11 = (1 byte) PROC = Processing, 0 = single measurement, 1 = average, 2 = peak, 3 = minimum"""
        proc = bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[11]])
        return DICT_PROCESSING.get(proc, proc)

    def dtype(self) -> Union[str, int]:
        """F12 = (1 byte) DTYPE = Data Type. 0 = % (undocumented), 1 = dBm, 2 = dBuV/m"""
        unit = bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[12]])
        return DICT_UNIT.get(unit, unit)

    def gerror(self) -> int:
        """F13 = (1 byte) GERROR = Global Error Code.Radio or processing global error code"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[13]])

    def gflags(self) -> int:
        """F14 = (1 byte) GFLAGS = Global clipping flags etc.Radio or processing global flags."""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[14]])

    def group_id(self) -> int:
        """F15 = (1 bytes) GROUPID = ID used to group sets of data. 0 = not a member of a group"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[15]])

    def npad(self) -> int:
        """F16 = (1 byte) NPAD = Number of bytes of padding. 0-3 (NPAD bytes) Padding = As \0 bytes"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[16]])

    def thresh(self) -> int:
        """F17 = (2 bytes) THRESH = Threshold Level in DTYPE"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[17]])

    def duration(self) -> int:
        """F18 = (2 bytes) DURATION = Duration of sampling. In seconds (i.e. 300, 900, 1800, 2600)"""
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[18]])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        """F19 = (4 bytes) NDATA = Number of single byte data points.
        Number of equal width channels dividing the reported frequency width
        return bin2int(self.data[BYTES_65[19]])

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        self > -> List[float]
        :return: A lista de todas as medidas de ocupação do bloco em '%'.

        F20 = (NDATAu bytes) Array of data points.
                    Each data point is stored as a single byte number
                    representing  the percentage (0..100 % in 0.5 steps)
            return (
                np.frombuffer(self.data[self.start : self.stop], dtype=np.uint8) / 2.0
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving levels in {self}") from e

Data Type 66 - 16 Bit IQ Data

class DType66[source]

DType66(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 66 – 16 bit IQ Data

class DType66(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 66 – 16 bit IQ Data"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = TimedVersion5(block)

    def description(self) -> str:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop
        stop = start + self.desclen
        return bin2str(self.data[start:stop])

    def center_mega(self) -> int:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop], False) + self.center_mili / 1000

    def center_mili(self) -> int:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 2
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def bw(self):
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 6
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def sample_rate_numerator(self):
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 10
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def sample_rate_denominator(self):
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 14
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def input(self) -> int:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 16
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def ngain(self) -> int:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 20
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def gain(self) -> np.ndarray:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 24
        stop = start + self.ngain
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[start:stop], dtype=np.int32)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving gain in {self}") from e

    def n_iq_pairs(self) -> int:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 24 + self.ngain
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def iq_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
        start = BYTES_V5[5].stop + self.desclen + 28 + self.ngain
        stop = start + self.n_iq_pairs
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[start:stop], dtype=np.int32)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving iq_array in {self}") from e

Data Type 67 - Spectral Data

class DType67[source]

DType67(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 67 – Spectral Data

class DType67(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 67 – Spectral Data"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = TimedVersion5(block)
        self.start = 68 + self.desclen + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc
        self.stop = self.start + self.ndata

    def description(self) -> str:
        start = 24
        stop = start + self.desclen
        return bin2str(self.data[start:stop])

    def start_mega(self) -> int:
        start = 24 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop], False)

    def start_mili(self) -> int:
        start = 26 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        start = 30 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop], False)

    def stop_mili(self) -> int:
        start = 32 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def bw(self) -> int:
        start = 36 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def start_channel(self) -> int:
        start = 40 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def stop_channel(self) -> int:
        start = 42 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def sample(self) -> int:
        start = 44 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def namal(self) -> int:
        start = 48 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        start = 52 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 1
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def processing(self) -> Union[str, int]:
        start = 53 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 1
        proc = bin2int(self.data[start:stop])
        return DICT_PROCESSING.get(proc, proc)

    def dtype(self) -> Union[str, int]:
        start = 54 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 1
        unit = bin2int(self.data[start:stop])
        return DICT_UNIT.get(unit, unit)

    def offset(self) -> int:
        start = 55 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 1
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def minimum(self) -> float:
        return self.offset - 127.5

    def thresh(self) -> float:
        return self.minimum  # redundancy for compatibility with Dtype68

    def gerror(self) -> int:
        start = 56 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 1
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def gflags(self) -> int:
        start = 57 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 1
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def ntun(self) -> int:
        start = 59 + self.desclen  # byte 58 reserved alignment
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def nagc(self) -> int:
        start = 61 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 2
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def npad(self) -> int:
        start = 63 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 1
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        start = 64 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def tunning(self) -> tuple:
        start = 68 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4 * self.ntun
        return L(self.data[i : i + 2] for i in range(start, stop, 4))

    def agc(self) -> np.ndarray:
        start = 68 + self.desclen + 4 * self.ntun
        stop = start + self.nagc
        return np.frombuffer(self.data[start:stop], np.uint8)

    def raw_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[self.start : self.stop], dtype=np.uint8)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving raw_data in {self.filename}") from e

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return ((self.raw_data / 2) + self.minimum).astype(np.float32)

    def padding(self) -> bytes:
        return self.data[self.stop :]

    def frequencies(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Retorna um numpy array com a faixa de frequências presentes no bloco"""
        return np.linspace(
            self.start_mega, self.stop_mega, num=self.ndata, dtype=np.float32

Data Type 68 – Threshold Compressed Data

class DType68[source]

DType68(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 68 – Threshold Compressed Data

class DType68(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 68 – Threshold Compressed Data"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = DType67(block)
        self.start = 76 + self.desclen + 4 * self.ntun + self.nagc
        self.stop = self.start + self.default.ndata

    def thresh(self) -> int:
        """THRESH = Threshold Level in dB. All data below this level will be run length encoded"""
        start = 68 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        """NORIG = Number of original data points. Before compression"""
        start = 72 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4
        return bin2int(self.data[start:stop])

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Spectrum Data in 'dB' with 0.5 dBm interval"""
        return np.frombuffer(self.data[self.start : self.stop], dtype=np.uint8)

    def tunning(self) -> tuple:
        start = 76 + self.desclen
        stop = start + 4 * self.ntun
        return [bin2int(self.data[i : i + 2]) for i in range(start, stop, 4)]

    def agc(self) -> np.ndarray:
        start = 76 + self.desclen + 4 * self.ntun
        stop = start + self.nagc
            return np.frombuffer(self.data[start:stop], np.uint8)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving agc in {self.filename}") from e

    def padding(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[self.stop :])

Data Type 69 – Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R SM.1880)

class DType69[source]

DType69(block:BaseBlock) :: GetAttr

Data Type 69 – Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R SM.1880)

class DType69(GetAttr):
    """Data Type 69 – Frequency Channel Occupancy (ITU-R SM.1880)"""

    def __init__(self, block: BaseBlock):
        """This implementation substitues inheritance of the class Block by Composition
        The attributes which belong to Block are accessed normally as if it was Inherited
        self.default = TimedVersion5(block)
        self.start = 64 + self.desclen
        self.stop = self.start + self.ndata

    def description(self) -> str:
        return bin2str(self.data[24 : 24 + self.desclen])

    def start_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[24 + self.desclen : 26 + self.desclen], False)

    def start_mili(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[26 + self.desclen : 30 + self.desclen])

    def stop_mega(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[30 + self.desclen : 32 + self.desclen], False)

    def stop_mili(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[32 + self.desclen : 36 + self.desclen])

    def bw(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[36 + self.desclen : 40 + self.desclen])

    def start_channel(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[40 + self.desclen : 42 + self.desclen])

    def stop_channel(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[42 + self.desclen : 44 + self.desclen])

    def opcount(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[48 + self.desclen : 49 + self.desclen], False)

    def antuid(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[49 + self.desclen : 50 + self.desclen], False)

    def dtype(self) -> int:
        return DICT_UNIT.get(
            bin2int(self.data[50 + self.desclen : 52 + self.desclen], False), "Unknown"

    def gerror(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[52 + self.desclen : 53 + self.desclen])

    def gflags(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[53 + self.desclen : 54 + self.desclen])

    def npad(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[55 + self.desclen : 56 + self.desclen])

    def thresh(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[56 + self.desclen : 58 + self.desclen])

    def duration(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[58 + self.desclen : 60 + self.desclen])

    def ndata(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[60 + self.desclen : 64 + self.desclen])

    def levels(self) -> np.ndarray:
            return (
                np.frombuffer(self.data[self.start : self.stop], dtype=np.uint8) / 2.0
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"{e} while retrieving levels in {self}") from e

    def padding(self) -> int:
        return bin2int(self.data[self.stop :])